The Community Place of Greater Rochester provides our burgeoning older adult population with both group and individual programs designed to provide services to elders and their care partners as well as to provide opportunities for older adults to make a difference in our community through civic engagement. Programs and services include:
- The Senior Center
- Care Management Services
- Foster Grandparent Program
- Senior Companion Program
To Volunteer Contact the Director of Aging Services
Marisol Ubinas585.288.0021 x228
Our Senior Center is located at 145 Parsells Avenue, 14609 on the City’s eastside. Men and women age 60 and older, participate in daily activities that support socialization and independent living. Activities include: exercise programs; computer classes; music, arts and crafts; nutrition education, access to exercise equipment, and day trips. A nutritious and delicious meal is served daily and transportation assistance is also provided as needed.
No eligible person shall be denied benefits or subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving any Federal, State or County funding. This includes but is not limited to: race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran and/or military status, immigration status, creed, domestic violence victim status, criminal history, gender identity, genetic predisposition or carrier status.

The Senior Center Coordinator :
Sheila Baez
A care manager is available to serve residents age 60 and older and their care partners. The care manager works closely with individuals and families to address individual concerns and engage community resources that assist people to remain in their homes. One key function is to actively identify those in need of assistance and link them to services and information.If you are in need of these services please contact Eldersource Care Manager Norma Rivera at 585-244-8400 x106. Her Community Place hours are the first Tuesday of the month from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM by appointment.
The Foster Grandparent Program offers older adults ages 55 and up who meet income eligibility requirements the opportunity to assist children enrolled in educational programs at area schools, after school programs, and childcare centers to succeed. Students and teachers both benefit from the wisdom and experience of Foster Grandparents as they work one-on-one and in small groups with children providing academic, as well as social and emotional support, helping children to succeed.
The Foster Grandparents volunteer 5 to 40 hours each week. Grandparent volunteers receive a small tax-free stipend*. Assistance with transportation is provided if needed. Support services are provided to the Foster Grandparents to assure their personal wellness is maintained. Additionally, on-going in-services are required to provide up-to-date training in working with children. Hablamos Español.
The Senior Companion Program offers men and women age 55 and up who meet income eligibility requirements the opportunity to assist frail elders at area adult day programs, senior centers and in their individual homes. The program’s mission is to help frail elders to remain living independently and to improve the quality of life for both frail elders and their care partners.
Companion volunteers provide a variety of services including transportation for grocery shopping and doctor’s appointments, respite, meal preparation and socialization. Senior Companions volunteer 5 to 40 hours per week. Companion volunteers receive a small tax-free stipend* and assistance with transportation is provided if needed. Support services are provided to the Senior Companions to assure their personal wellness is maintained. Additionally, on-going in-services are required to provide up-to-date training in working with frail elders.
Questions about this program can be sent to:
Marisol Ubinas585.288.0021 x228