2024 East Avenue Grocey Run – Team Community Place
Community Place is once again running and walking in the East Avenue Grocery Run!!
This year we find ourselves more in need than before. Times are tough in our community and we have are facing a reduction in our normal funding that covers our Food Pantries – the direct beneficiary of this wonderful, family-friendly event.
By signing up to walk/run you are making a donation to that agency! Your registration fee will go back the agency you register with.
If you want to kick it up a notch – you can also become a fundraiser and get your friends and family (maybe even some well-intentioned enemies) to donate to your cause.
Sign up to run but then can’t make it that day? That’s okay – I promise nobody will track you down.
Just want to make a generous donation and be done – we will happily accept! There is a button on the Team Page just for that.
The bigger the team we can recruit – the better it is for the Food Panties and therefore the community in need! More runners/walkers means more money to help out those struggling in our neighborhoods.
This part is vital – sign up and then get your friends and family to sign-up too! (maybe even those enemies we mentioned before).
Get people involved – use this as a chance to educate on the work that CPGR does in the Rochester Community!
Share in person – online – by email – just do your best to get the word out!
You can do everything from this one link!
A very grateful thank you to our Community Place Grocery Run Sponsor – RG&E